Mouse Eggs
Vehicule Poets
John McAuley
John McAuley teaches in the English department at Concordia University. He met
Endre Farkas when both were undergraduates in the late 1960s and Artie Gold later at a Booster & Blaster meeting. In the 1970s, he edited Maker magazine and, with Stephen Morrissey and Robert Galvin, ran the poetry reading series at Véhicule Art Inc. As a coordinator at the gallery, he oversaw dozens of national and international performances and exhibitions and, as a member of the Vehicule poets, was instrumental in seeing The Vehicule Poets anthology through to publication with Maker Press. He has published five books, and his work has appeared in a number of anthologies.


Nothing Ever Happens in Pointe-Claire - Vehicule Press, 1977
Hazardous Renaissance - CrossCountry Press, 1978
Mattress Testing - CrossCountry Press, 1978
What Henry Hudson Found - Véhicule Press, 1979
All I Can Say for Sure - DC Books, 2013

My work has appeared in the following:

Poetry Readings: 10 Montreal Poets at the CEGEPS (Delta Canada, 1975)
CrossCountry Special Issue: Montreal (CrossCountry Press, 1975)
Montreal Poets’ Information Exchange Sampler (Montreal Poets’ Information Exchange, 1976)
Things To See (1977)
Montreal English Poetry of the Seventies (Véhicule Press, 1977)
Happy Days (Pari Editori & Dispari, 1978)
The Vehicule Poets (Maker Press, 1979)
A Critical (Ninth) Assembling (Precisely 6789) (Assembling Press, 1979)
Unmuzzled Ox: The Poets’ Encyclopedia (Unmuzzed Ox, 1979)
A Real Good Goosin––Talking Poetics: Louis Dudek and the Vehicule Poets (Maker Press, 1980)
Three Holes in the Ground (Maker Press, 1982)
Poetry in Performance (The Muses’ Company, 1982)
The Insecurity of Art: Essays on Poetics (Véhicule Press, 1982)
Cross/cut: Contemporary English Quebec Poetry (Véhicule Press, 1982)
Agenda 1984 (The Muses’ Company, 1984)
The Other Language (The Muses’ Company, 1989)
Vehicule Days: An Unorthodox History of the Vehicule Poets (NuAge Editions, 1993)
The Vehicule Poets_Now (The Muses’ Company, 2004)
Language Acts: Anglo-Québec Poetry 1976 to the 2lst Century (Véhicule Press, 2007)
After the Mountain: The A.M. Klein Reboot Project (Synapse Press, 2011)